Tag Archives: nli

When you are planning to use Artificial Intelligence for assorted applications in your organization, where do you start?

When you are planning to use Artificial Intelligence for assorted applications in your organization, where do you start?

More than a score articles have been published online that speak of the applications of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare. Some of them have done an in-depth study of these AI applications and also, have projected savings in terms of time and money. For example, a Harvard study has identified top 10 AI applications with projected […]

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Implementing Voice of Customer program using NLI to drive innovations in an organization

Implementing Voice of Customer program using NLI to drive innovations in an organization

How to Implement Voice of Customer Program Using NLI for Innovation This article suggests how a Natural Language Interface (NLI) when developed for implementing Voice of Customer program could drive product innovations in an organization. What is Voice of Customer (VoC)? PDMA says VoC is a process for eliciting needs from consumers that uses structured […]

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The 7 NLP Techniques That Will Change How You Communicate in the Future

The 7 NLP Techniques That Will Change How You Communicate in the Future

As part of my research to understand the advances being made in AI / NLP technology, I read the excellent article titled ‘The 7 NLP Techniques That Will Change How You Communicate in the Future‘ by James Le that was published online on Medium. James vividly explains these techniques in detail – which makes it an excellent read for anyone who is interested in NLP. In this article, I attempted to put my own understanding of these advances in NLP technology.

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A quirky explanation of the difference between an interface (*I) and an experience (*X) as in UI and UX

A quirky explanation of the difference between an interface (*I) and an experience (*X) as in UI and UX

A Quirky Explanation Of The Difference Between An Interface (*I) And An Experience (*X) As In UI And UX As builders of Artificial Intelligence powered platform that can deliver experts curated content using proxies, we often get questions on what is a NLI and how is it different from a graphical user interface and also, […]

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