Tag Archives: “natural language search”

Why Natural Language Processing (NLP) could be the Future of Business?

Why Natural Language Processing (NLP) could be the Future of Business?

Companies globally have been investing massive amounts of money in technology that could allow them to communicate with the customers in a language they are familiar with. Isn’t that amazing!! So how can technology or a system understand a human language, decipher the words, sentences, understand the meaning and respond with a correct solution? Natural Language Processing (NLP) is the right technology that has come to our rescue. What does NLP mean and how businesses across the globe are leveraging its benefits?

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Using AI driven natural language search in e-commerce industry

Using AI driven natural language search in e-commerce industry

Searching has changed over years. Today, people no longer type generic keywords. They know that if they want fast and correct results, they need to be specific in what they want and type precise terms when searching. Usage of “Me’ and “I” have increased as they provide more relevant and personal content. Personalized searches have become more as personal advisors and trusted partners for the users as consumers believe that these advisors understand better and answer all their queries with right answer at right time.

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