Tag Archives: artificial intelligence

8 usecases of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

8 usecases of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence are advanced technologies that could solve the most critical problems faced by organizations. Apart from facilitating automation of critical business processes in an organization, these technologies can also greatly enhance the quality of final deliverable that could establish brand reputation. For e.g., Facebook.com is using these technologies for filtering spam emails and fake posts, thereby improving the quality of user experience.

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Artificial Intelligence In Electrical and Electronics Industry

Artificial Intelligence In Electrical and Electronics Industry

According to a recent study AI manufacturing market is expected to grow around USD 17.2 billion by 2025, at a CAGR of 49.5% with great support from industrial IoT and automation sectors…Artificial intelligence has offered great potential and room for the optimization of electrical and electronics industry, and it focuses on bringing about significant changes not only in the economic aspect, but also in safety and actual operation control. The fundamental challenges that electronics manufacturing companies face are – forecasting, supply chain issues, and material distribution worries…

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7 Ways AI Can Help Sales Teams Be More Effective

7 Ways AI Can Help Sales Teams Be More Effective

Every organization grows by selling it’s products/ services. If the sales are more, the organization will grow with more revenue being generated from sales. Moreover, if the sales are meager, it is a challenging situation for the organization to grow further. To beat the competitors and grow meticulously to generate more wealth, the organizations have to adopt advanced technologies like Artificial Intelligence in the sales process. There are several ways AI can help sales teams.

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Using AI to identify biomarkers that facilitate personalized medicine

Using AI to identify biomarkers that facilitate personalized medicine

Traditionally, the healthcare industry administers medication that could be common across several patients who are suffering with similar diseases. It is like a one-size-fits-all approach! With the advent of Artificial Intelligence, the healthcare industry has started an innovative idea to provide precision medicine – as opposed to similar medicine for all patients with similar ailments. The first step in providing personalized medicine is to identify biomarkers.

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Top 8 Use Cases for Machine Learning & AI in Marketing

Top 8 Use Cases for Machine Learning & AI in Marketing

Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning have changed the way businesses interact with customers. Marketing has always been customer-centric and activity associated with marketing is expected to yield maximum ROI. Anything that doesn’t please your customer or target audience is not saleable in the market. Thus, to keep the marketing efforts on target, make it personalize and reach maximum customer base, businesses are using AI and ML technologies.

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