Category: Natural Language Interface

Using AI driven natural language search in e-commerce industry

Using AI driven natural language search in e-commerce industry

Searching has changed over years. Today, people no longer type generic keywords. They know that if they want fast and correct results, they need to be specific in what they want and type precise terms when searching. Usage of “Me’ and “I” have increased as they provide more relevant and personal content. Personalized searches have become more as personal advisors and trusted partners for the users as consumers believe that these advisors understand better and answer all their queries with right answer at right time.

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Limitations of NLP in building Question/Answering systems

Limitations of NLP in building Question/Answering systems

When people communicate with each other, they have a specific language, an expression and an emotional feeling towards each other that allows them to speak and understand. Words play a crucial role in communication and have to be used and understood correctly. Customers seek answers for various queries, and in doing so, they expect businesses to respond as quickly as possible and with right solutions. But can a human work 24/7 and respond to millions of queries pouring in from different parts of the globe in multiple languages?

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Natural Language Interface: Advantages & Dis-advantages

Natural Language Interface: Advantages & Dis-advantages

Natural Language Interface: Advantages & Dis-Advantages This post is the first of a three part series on NLI (Natural Language Interface). The other two posts in the offing are: Types of applications which are implementing NLI and Tools/ Technologies that are used to build NLIs. Natural language is one of many ‘interface styles’ that can be used in the dialog between […]

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