Category: Natural Language Interface

8 usecases of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

8 usecases of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence are advanced technologies that could solve the most critical problems faced by organizations. Apart from facilitating automation of critical business processes in an organization, these technologies can also greatly enhance the quality of final deliverable that could establish brand reputation. For e.g., is using these technologies for filtering spam emails and fake posts, thereby improving the quality of user experience.

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How can AI be used to enhance online security

How can AI be used to enhance online security

Many people imagine AI as robots, devices and machines that work automatically. It’s been a while that AI has become a part of our daily lives, and its use has become evident. A research by MarketsandMarkets predicts that the Artificial Intelligence market that was valued around $21.45 billion in 2018 is now about to grow by $190.61 billion by 2025 with a CAGR of 36.62%. It also predicted that big data, virtual assistants and cloud-based applications and services would be the primary drivers of the AI market.

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5 Ways Artificial Intelligence is transforming the Education Industry

5 Ways Artificial Intelligence is transforming the Education Industry

Education always remains as one of the top verticals to leverage the technological advancements and AI is being embraced by the Education sector rapidly. By using Artificial Intelligence technology, the education sector is being transformed across multiple dimensions – like from the traditional ways of learning through a common curriculum to more personalized learning etc.

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When you are planning to use Artificial Intelligence for assorted applications in your organization, where do you start?

When you are planning to use Artificial Intelligence for assorted applications in your organization, where do you start?

More than a score articles have been published online that speak of the applications of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare. Some of them have done an in-depth study of these AI applications and also, have projected savings in terms of time and money. For example, a Harvard study has identified top 10 AI applications with projected […]

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Importance of Natural Language Processing for Businesses

Importance of Natural Language Processing for Businesses

Peter Drucker says “..the purpose of a business is to create a customer..”. This sage like wisdom implies the need for businesses to focus their efforts on understanding the needs/ pains of potential customers and addressing the needs formally through products and services that could be developed based on the businesses ability to innovate and launch new products…..And, this article is about the importance of Natural Language Processing for businesses, where language that we speak and write to communicate is used to understand the needs of customers.

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Top 8 Use Cases for Machine Learning & AI in Marketing

Top 8 Use Cases for Machine Learning & AI in Marketing

Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning have changed the way businesses interact with customers. Marketing has always been customer-centric and activity associated with marketing is expected to yield maximum ROI. Anything that doesn’t please your customer or target audience is not saleable in the market. Thus, to keep the marketing efforts on target, make it personalize and reach maximum customer base, businesses are using AI and ML technologies.

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