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Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing

Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is a backbone to all types of industries to improve business growth, performance and return on investment. Digital marketing also needs to adopt advanced technologies to give more valuable growth to businesses. Using Artificial intelligence in digital marketing makes it more effective and accurate in the coming days. Artificial intelligence is the ability […]

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When you are planning to use Artificial Intelligence for assorted applications in your organization, where do you start?

When you are planning to use Artificial Intelligence for assorted applications in your organization, where do you start?

More than a score articles have been published online that speak of the applications of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare. Some of them have done an in-depth study of these AI applications and also, have projected savings in terms of time and money. For example, a Harvard study has identified top 10 AI applications with projected […]

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How AI Helps Facilitate Omnichannel Experience In e-Commerce

How AI Helps Facilitate Omnichannel Experience In e-Commerce

Technology keeps us inspiring and surprising every day by adding convenience to our lives. Digital platforms have changed the B2B buying scenario where customers focus on more personalized, seamless experiences with quick responses and 24/7 interaction. Today machines, mobile apps, software and several algorithms understand what we speak and respond in the same language. These machines can even understand human emotions and provide solutions to various issues. All thanks to Artificial Intelligence (AI), machines can analyze and interpret extensive amount of data within seconds and predict future prospects.

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Importance of Natural Language Processing for Businesses

Importance of Natural Language Processing for Businesses

Peter Drucker says “..the purpose of a business is to create a customer..”. This sage like wisdom implies the need for businesses to focus their efforts on understanding the needs/ pains of potential customers and addressing the needs formally through products and services that could be developed based on the businesses ability to innovate and launch new products…..And, this article is about the importance of Natural Language Processing for businesses, where language that we speak and write to communicate is used to understand the needs of customers.

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