
A brand is not just a logo, a product or a company but is an overall experience a customer feels when he/she connects with the brand. A brand is also defined by the special features a brand markets that distinguishes it from its competitors. Customers choose your brand over others because they may like your products, the services your brands offer, the offers you give and the customer support you provide. In this competitive world, businesses need to showcase their brands in the best manner so that the customer chooses their brand first. To achieve this, companies need to build brands in a way where they create maximum awareness of the brand. One such effective way is where AI helps in brand building with enhanced customer engagement through deep insights.

Percentage of Marketers Using AIBrand building is a process that involves creating brand awareness and promoting the brand through various channels to bring customers closer to the brand. The Salesforce State of Marketing Report, published in Forbes suggests, “53% of marketers plan to adopt Artificial Intelligence in the coming years which, in turn, will continue to diminish the number of person-to-person interactions between a customer and a business. This means AI helps in brand building process where chatbots would interact with customers and brands would automate the marketing campaigns and other promotional activities.

AI with machine learning and NLPMarketers who regularly focus on brand building need to offer personalization, nearness, accessibility, and authenticity. AI combined with machine learning, propensity models and natural language interfaces will allow marketers to create appropriate content to be shared across channels, answer customer queries, understand customer behaviors, offer to buy suggestions and also predicts future options.

A traditional brand building process involved a lot of research about products & services, the market, the competitors, target audiences. After collecting all the necessary information marketers should build messages using various color schemes, typography, images and tone of voice to position a specific image in the market. As the landscape of the market is changing and with the rise in customer expectations, the brand needs to keep the pace and offer the best customer experiences.

How AI helps in brand building:

Brand Fluidity or Liquid Branding

A new trend adopted by many companies today involves brand to follow a communication channel that is maintained through a personified tone usually run by chatbots and other conversational interfaces keeping the brand versatile and adaptable, continuously changing with time.

AI promotes a better brand culture

No matter how much you automate your systems, if there isn’t a good healthy culture inside the company, the brand building would be a Herculean task. Culture plays an important role in building a brand and connecting with the customers. People look up to companies like Amazon, Google, Microsoft because they have a positive brand image that makes these companies different from others. Organizations that keep culture as their priority and maintain it tend to earn higher profits and are more productive. To create the importance of culture in the company, the HR team must hire people who are positive about the company’s values and culture.

How AI helps in building the culture? Harver an AI-driven system helps in automating the entire recruitment and selection process. It is a pre-employment assessment platform that scrutinizes the candidates on the basis of their credentials and potential culture fit score. Platforms like these support AI tools that help in screening applications on the basis of various skill assessments used to measure abilities, judgmental skills, and level of expertise. These types of tests help recruiters to understand the candidate’s personality traits, behavioral patterns, and talent levels to check whether they fit into the organization culture or not. When traditional recruitment methods fail, AI-driven recruitment systems prove to be the best choice for a better hiring process.

AI helps you to connect with the right audience

AI helps in connecting with right audienceBrand building is more about creating the right relationships with the right audiences. By understanding who exactly the audience is and what their needs are, brand building can be an easier task. Creating emotional connections with the customers helps you determine whether they will buy from you or not. Customers association with the brand depends upon the type of content or messages a brand shares on their website or app and the way customers feel about it. Marketing teams usually take help from audience analytics to determine the customer demographics which may not be 100% accurate. This means if your marketing team misses a data point or identifies a wrong data point there is a chance you may a loose a potential customer. AI helps in collecting large volumes of data, analyzing it and segregating it into different demographics and thereby providing accurate information of the customers. Businesses that make use of AI-driven predictive data analytics identify high-value customers rather than the ones who use traditional research methods.

AI encourages enhanced customer interactions

Happy customers promote your brand more. AI has improved customer interactions by offering fast, right and timely solutions. AI-powered APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) help to generate personalized conversations and offer suggestions. One bad experience can damage your brand. Thus, to maintain the brand image you need to keep talking with your customers and understanding their needs. A chatbot is a key player in enhancing customer interactions. They recognize emotions behind your texts, voice and respond with a personal touch.

AI helps to dig deep with better customer insights

AI-deep-learningA brand’s strength lies in its customers. AI-enabled technologies and systems have the ability to learn and gather intelligent customer insights from several data points. The machine learning aspect of AI helps to analyze large volumes of data based on behavior-driven evaluations. For example, marketers using AI can gather data from a particular web page to check which products are being purchased by the customers. Based on the reports marketers can decide what type of suggestions they can give it to customers in the future. Data-driven systems help marketers to gather precise information that can be used for hyper-targeting campaigns. These campaigns offer more personalized and engaging customer experience. These systems also track customer responses to measure their sentiments by performing sentiment analysis and also predict future suggestions and reactions. Once the marketers have all the data points and responses they can modify their marketing strategy accordingly. Knowing your ‘ideal customer’, what they want and what they value is the information you require to build your brand. Gaining deeper insights about customers add value to your overall brand building process.

AI allows brands to be more creative and create ads that can be used to attract potential buyers. Consumers are more connected with the brand today, all thanks to social media channels and other online medium that allow customers to keep in touch with the brands every second. Brands need intelligent systems to make smart decisions and make the brand experiences more personalized and predictive.

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